Thursday, July 2, 2009


Well, I'm currently packing to head off to Wales! My plane leaves tomorrow night and I literally cannot believe that amount of things that I have left to do before I leave. I thought that I was all caught up and good and that I would be able to spend my last days or so relaxing and just spending time with the people around me. But no, once again I find myself drastically unprepared and not read to head off just yet.

You know, I really think that the Lord is funny sometimes. I never in my life have made such good friends as fast as I have in the past month here. It's bizarre. And now that I actually found people who made it bearable to be here over the summer I leaving to have another one of the most influential and exciting experiences of my life. But I guess I'll just have to keep on doing this trust in the Lord thing and have faith that it was all for something, and that these relationships aren't going to fall apart just because I'm leaving.

It feeds into one of my worst fears: being forgotten. I'm constantly terrified that the people I meet and become friends with are going to forget about me if they don't hear from or see me for extended periods of time. Like I'm simply not that memorable and once I get back they'll be like "wait, who are you?" So far that's proven not to be the case, so you would think that I would learn from that and take those examples and use them to dispel my fear, but I don't. It's one of my human faults I guess.

well, enough procrastinating. It's time for me to get pack to packing.

As the Doctor would say: "ALLONS-Y!"

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