Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I'm like Tinkerbell, Finn! NEED APPLAUSE TO LIVE!!" Rachel Berry [Glee]

So, I'm starting to feel disappointed in my summer, and yes, I know that's entirely my doing. But honestly, sometimes I want to go out, but I just - I get this sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach that's somehow related to deeply engrained need I have for attention.

But the thing about attention is that it's so contradictory. It's almost like I have my days when I crave it, but simultaneously just want to be a hermit and stay home with my Madre. UGH the human brain is an interesting thing. I have such a hard time getting out there to socialize. Like, once I'm in the social situation I'm usually fine, it's just getting me there that is the issue. Man oh man.

Also, something not so new to me is that I stress easy. Especially when there are like a gazillion things that I want to do, timeframe in which to do them, but don't plan them. It terrifies me that they will never get done and I'll just work at B&BW 30 hours a week and have another uneventful summer.

FOR EXAMPLE. Maddy and I want to go to NYC. As a theater major the fact that I've never been there really makes me feel like a failure. It's one of those facts that I tend to hide about my self, you know, like if you're a guy and you like the Jonas Brothers of HSM :) But the whole planning, money raising, planning aspect of the whole thing is stressing me out. Part of me just wants to say screw it, let's go to Charleston or Florida or something and just chill on the beach. Cause I love doing that too - but there are not beach-y beaches in NYC so that's yet another decision I have to make.

UGH I NEED AN EVENT PLANNER!!!! but alas - that too costs money. Which I'm slowly earning. You know, if I just got cast as the star of a major motion picture this all would be solved.

A whole new set of problems would crop up then, but it'd be a change of pace at least. Ha.

You know what I really need to do?


Sunday, May 9, 2010

"A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding..." Sheldon Cooper [The Big Bang Theory]

So, my wonderful, amazing, half-Asian friend JLow has once again inspired me to do a post. It's show and tell time on my blog! woohoo!

Top 10 Quotes from Glee Season 1, Episode 17, "Bad Reputation" - Video - Glee And, I'm not ashamed to admit it. And while the plot really is only so, so (in my opinion) something that really holds it together is the characters. Each one is so unique, and is written SO well that every episode has something that I can fall in love with. Oh, and the singing is pretty slammin too. I just discovered and an amazing website that is dedicated to all things glee. In fact, that's where that link comes from. Every week, they make a video that compiles all of their favorite quotes from the episode. And this week's "Bad Reputation" was full of some gems, and I've provided you a way to partake yourselves. Enjoy.

comics for smart people - and boy do I appreciate that. And while, yes, it does make me feel a little pretentious, I can't help the fact that humor that includes references to things that you have to be well-read or on the pretty geeky side in order to enjoy appeals more to me :) Those above were just a few of my favs, don't worry, I have plenty more saved on my hard drive. I mean, I'm just waiting for the day that the economy fails and they have to derive a new money system where everyone's net worth/monetary value is based solely off of the amount of funny pictures they have saved on their hard drive. *points to self* MILLIONAIRE.

This is Corin Nemec, as Jonas Quinn on Stargate: SG1 a show that I faithfully watched until it's cancellation and am mildly obsessed with.

This is Corin Nemec (far right) as the guy who bought a Mother's Day giftset from me on Saturday at Bath and Body Works, the store I have worked at since last summer. 


Just cuz. He's pretty :)

This show is SO on my list of ones I want to see when I go to NYC this summer. Too bad I can't see the b-e-a-utiful Aaron Tviet. I will get to see Alice Ripley though, so I guess it'll still be good. Hah.

<3 I miss my cranes family.