Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"I don't have to be psychic to see that something's bothering you. " Professor Charles Xavier [X-Men: The Last Stand]

My good friend Kelsey Johansen posted this at her blog a while ago, and I thought I would just reiterate what she said and add my own spin on things.

Also, I'm actually going to go off on a pretty big rant right now, so if you're not in the mood to read it than don't.


So everyone says pick a major or job you love, that way you won't lead a tortured existence where you just hate what you do every day of your life. However, what they fail to tell you is that if it isn't something 'respectable' or 'serious' than they will judge you and think that you are wasting your time and your talent.

This is one of the reasons why I always hesitate to tell people what my major is. I mean, saying "theater" is one thing, but then going on to say "makeup" well...

Like, Kelsey, I am sick and tired of people saying things like “is that really a class?” in a condescending tone or "well that's cool, but are you taking any real classes?". MY CLASSES ARE REAL CLASSES TOO. I know you're just bitter/jealous or whatever because you're dying from the amount of papers you have to write or books you need to read and tests you have to take in the testing center but that's not my fault. Taking those classes were entirely YOUR decision, and you're taking them in order to (hopefully) do what you love JUST LIKE ME. My classes may sound fun (which they are) but they are no means easy. They're just different. Just because I don't read chapters and chapters out of conventinoal textbooks doesn't mean I don't read. I read plays. Lots of plays. And journal articles. And instructional manuals. Watch instructional videos. Read magazines. All to be able to try and keep up with what is happening in my industry, JUST LIKE YOU. I watch videos, interviews, films, and television to try and see what is being creatively thought of in the world, JUST LIKE YOU. I spend hundreds of hours a year outside of class practicing, working on projects I DON'T get paid for, sitting backstage during performance, staying later than most people after performances, and taking seminars to try and get a little bit of an edge. So, while I'm not spending time at the library, I'm certainly not spending it lounging around my apartment, contrary to popular belief. So, now can you understand when you say that my classes aren't real that I might get a little upset? They ARE to be taken seriously and they are NOT lesser than yours. I just happen to do all of that hard work and almost (I'd say 85-90% of the time) always HAVE FUN TOO. Which I think is awesome.

I'm doing what I love, just like everyone told me to do. And I don't understand why that can't be important either. 

Also, if you think that I won't be able to "do" anything with my degree/experience you are also wrong. Makeup design is a legitimate profession. Weddings, photshoots, movies, television, theater, opera, musicals, the nightly news - you name it. There are lots of venues for me to explore.
If you think that I'm wasting time and money studying something that's going to leave me broke and make me a 'starving artist' than that's not true either. If I wanted to be a makeup effects artist for movies or commericals, I could get paid THOUSANDS of dollars a day in one of the world's highest paying industries. Does that mean I won't have to work my butt off in order to make it there? Nope. JUST LIKE YOU I'll have to work my way up. It's not an 'instant' 'anyone can slap a little makeup on someone's face' 'you don't even have to go to school for it' job. It's a shark tank. Like any other business. And I'm giving myself survival skills to help keep me afloat.  

My major teaches me about myself in so many ways and gives me the tools to help others. If, after you read this rant of mine, you still are, as Kelsey calls you, a 'nay-sayer' than I'm like to present you with a little article written by Michael Key, editor-in-chief of Makeup Artist magezine and professional makeup artist:  
Its just make-up? I would like to leave you with a few thoughts about what we do. When discouragement rears its head and tells us its just makeup, we should remember that makeup artists have the power to:
  •  Transform a wimpy actor into a ferocious warrior, or a plain-jane actress into a striking woman who turns every head
  • Take brief descriptions of characters in books or scripts and bring them to life far beyond what the writers ever dreamed they could be
  • Create the evil monster who strikes fear in the heart and allows the hero to be brave and victorious
  • Help emergency personnel prepare to face real-life situations
  • Enhance blushing brides and create looks that will be cherished for a lifetime
  • Help those dealing with injuries or illness to look and feel better
  • Enable those with birth defects and disfigurements to feel whole
  • See the potential in someone’s face
  • Make it possible to believe
I know that I won't walk out of college being able to do quadratic equations in my head, be able to save an ecosystem from dying out, or know a detailed history of WWI, but I will have come out of college being abe to relate to people. To be able to asses their needs and weakness, and try to come up with ways to help them. I will have magical problem-solving skills. I will know how to make someone's face out of plaster. I will be able to have symptahy for what people are going through. I will be able to comunicate effectively with people both in and out of the professional world. And, if nothing else, I will be able to tell my children amazing stories, and give them the best Halloween costumes they could ever dream of.  I'll also be slightly annoying constantly be critiquing the directing/costumes/makeup (most of the time inside my head, but out loud sometimes too). 

But even if that’s all, isn’t that ok? Why can’t that be good enough for me? Who knows when these skills will come in handy? You need to stop telling me that they are a useless, waste of my time, and that my major and my goals and my dreams are "nice" but "pointless" and start thanking me for following my heart. 

My major is not unimportant. Not to me. 

"Maybe it's time for us to bury the hatchet" "Gee, you'd have to pull it out of my back first" Brooke & Allison [Melrose Place]

  • I cannot stop watching "Melrose Place". Like, the original 90s evening soap. Darn you Netflix and your powers of seduction
  • I was finally caught up on everything that happened at work while I was in Utah and why everything was/is so different. Interesting.
  • The guy who took my order at the food court sonic called me a 'pretty young lady'. He was maybe 18 years old.
  • I keep dreaming in sit-com format
  • I left a disc out of the "Friends Season 6" DVDs that I borrowed from the library and had to drive all the way back to return it :( embarrassing
  • My Dad can't stop singing the first 2 lines of "The Edge of Glory" and the first chorus to "Mean" haha
  • My brother and I had a 45 minutes discussion about Harry Potter while doing the dishes. Which, in of itself is no awkward, but my brother just doesn't talk about books.
  • Watching a romantic comedy in which you don't want the main characters to get together at the end is like...."Something Borrowed".
  • I GOT MY MISSION CALL! California, Los Angeles Mission, Spanish Speaking :) 
  • I bought my first mission outfit! It's a suit!
  • Blueberry picking and swimming for Memorial Day!
  • I got to hang out with Kelsey Claxton TWICE this week!
  • I'm back in the land of Chik-fil-a and Shipley's donuts
  • I had multiple babies smile at me at church on Sunday. I mean, if that doesn't brighten your day then I don't know what will.
  • Pirates. of. the. Carribbean.
  • "Fast Five" was surprisingly good. That's probably because it isn't anything like the other "Fast & the Furious" movies haha 
  • I keep getting wedding announcements :) I'm so happy for so many people!
  • My little broskie is graduating on Saturday! He made it!
  • AND he graduated from Seminary!!
  • My swimming pool is warm enough to swim in and I'm finally I'm getting a little tan
30 Day Song Challenge Day 01

So, who knows how long this will last, but I have a weakness for sharing music that I love. So here goes nothing.  For the first day you're supposed to share your favorite song. However, I love too many songs and feel like I would just never be able to make a decision. It's almost a guarantee that any song I post during this challenge will be a favorite of mine. So, I've just decided to post this GAP ad that I absolutely love, that happens to be about favorite songs :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"I didn't forget everything. I remember how to kill you." Dr. Martin Harris [Unknown]

Well, as we all know, I'm very good at procrastinating. And quitting half-way through things. Thus was the untimely fate of the 30 day picture challenge. However, as I sit here overwhelmed by the massive amounts of things I still have left to stuff into my room here at home, I decided to ressurrect it. For one day only.

Day malksdfhkh - A picture of you and a family member

This is a picuture of my one and only brother and I. We were probably like 10 and 7 at the time, but I could definitely be off on that. Jesse and I stumbled across this picture while we were looking for photos to print out for his Senior Memory Book that he had to turn in for a grade yesterday. As soon as we pulled it out of the file we knew it had to go in his scrapbook. I mean, it pretty much captures our personalities brilliantly and, as Jesse said, "I could never pass up an opportunity to show off your scraggly dinosaur shark teeth". What a loving brother I have.

Anyway, I hope you all have enjoyed that blast from the past like I have.

Now, to jump to the present, my mission call is officially "ready for assignment" according to my Bishop!! How exciting! This means that they should make the actual assignment this Friday over at church headquarters in Salt Lake, and it will be ready to be mailed out to me this upcoming Tuesday! It's crazy to think that in 1 week I will know where I'm going to be spending the next 18 months of my life preaching the Gospel and I so greatly know and love. Y'all will definitely be updated on the status of the call as I am, and OF COURSE I will be posting my assignment and information about it here whenever I get it. I mean, come on.

What kind of blogger would I be if I didn't?


On a side note, my value-movie-buy-disease had a flare up today. 27 Dresses, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Bride Wars, and She's the Man have all officically been added to my monstrous collection. Curse you $5 bin at Wal-Mart. Curse you.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"They recently had the whole country carpeted. This is *not* a big place." Arthur [Arthur {1981}]

Well, it's that time again, folks. I got bored with my layout so I switched it up. I imagine whenever I finally get my mission call and this becomes the place where I have my mother post my emails. Then I will have to come up with something that's interesting enough to me to last for 18 months. What a challenge!! Hah - well I guess I'll just cross that bridge when I come to it...

  • Something I am not a liberty to discuss, but feel deserves a spot. I still have mixed feelings. 
  • I went out to the movies with Jordan Harbor and when I got back home my front door was locked. And my basement door was locked. And when I texted my roommates to know when they would be home, they told me they would be in South Jordan until 11:30 and would text me when they got home. They texted me at 1:15. 
  • Jordan's roommate unsuccessfully picked both my locks for 45 minutes in the meantime.
  • When Dad and I stopped in Colorado to get gas, there was this very loud, very opinionated old guy from Vegas on his phone complaining at the other pump. And then, when we went inside to pay, he was there too.
  • Periodically, as we were driving, a strange odor would fill the car. Dad would roll down the window for a few seconds, then roll it back up without a word.
  • I went to dinner last night with the parentals while Jesse was at prom, and this big group of girls in really short, kinda slutty, semi-formal dresses walked past into the 'special' room. I assumed they were going to prom. Then they were followed by a group of boys in...wait for it....jeans, plaid shirts, and trucker hats. Later, Jesse told me there were no jean-clad boys at prom. 
  • I walked downstairs tonight when everybody was eating dinner, and when I appeared they said "uh oh" and the whole table erupted in laughter. I still don't understand. 
  • I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Never say never!" Justin Bieber [Never Say Never]

Deep cleaning always makes me feel like Rosie the Riveter

Why? You may ask yourself.

Well, because I often wear some type of scarf on my head, and feel like making this pose because my right bicep gets such a workout. 

Oh the joys of scrubbing walls and doors to get rid of scuff marks. Gotta love it.

"You know I love him!" "Well then, I guess you'll have to stop." Mary & Anne Boleyn [The Other Boleyn Girl]

So, as I'm packing, and packing, and packing I came across a piece o' paper that's full of quotes from a family history class I took last year. My professor was Bro. Minert, and he's like that awesome old man who's full of crazy stories that you secretly want to be your 3rd grandfather. Anyway, I thought I'd share these gems with you :)

"I hope that the midterm has not soured your lve affair with this class"

"I tie to me is similar to hemloc, arsenic, or something of that sort"

"Would any of you be totally aghast if I kissed a student in class? Not to fear, she tied her life to me many years ago..."

"You don't get out the razor blades! There is a chance for redemption!"

"Well, we don't do [work for] robbers and aresnists. And grand theft. Petty larsenys are ok though"

"I told you I was supposed to have been born in 1872. One of these days I'll share with you the story of how that happened..."

"But that's ok! I read 1/2 of the New Testament."

"I'll burn pretty hot and heave with this new french website for a few days - and then I'll build a model airplane"

"Thank you, Martin Luther"

"You have accidentally blown the United Sates Census. You, by yourself, have made it incomplete. Shame on you"

"He's trapped at the bottom of the mississippi with 10lbs of iron attached to his skeleton. Fun story."

"There streets are paved with gold? (smile) No, the streets were paved with mud and...animal...contributions"

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Allons-y!" The 10th Doctor [Doctor Who]

I wish I had a TARDIS. Really I do. Then, I could pack and it wouldn't matter how many things I had - it would fit. And I would be home in a matter of seconds. And I could be home for my cousin's wedding, and go to the Ren Fest again. 
Sadly, I don't have a TARDIS. Yet.

Until then, you'll have to do with these lists, inspired by the format on my former roommate Taylor's blog. She's in London right now studying abroad and making everyone jealous. Just like I did once upon a time.

  • Standing up in front of about 200 people at a BYU lacrosse game to say hello to an old friend/former classmate (who happened to be very busy rushing an about to be sick baby out to her car) and getting a nod and a hello.
  • Not seeing my new roommates all week, nor any evidence of them actually living in my house. ALL WEEK people
  • Being a TA for beginning makeup with a new teacher....and trying to not be constantly correcting her, but ending up doing it anyway.
  • Attempting to play ping-pong.
  • Individually wrapping about 50 bottles of lotion at work for a customer...then being told I was using the wrong color ribbon. 
  • Snow in May
  • Saying goodbyes :(
  • Scott and I finally met in person! For sure!
  • "I wear a Stetson now. Stetson's are cool"
  • Not having TB
  • Having time to spend to myself for once
  • Knowing that I'm going to be home at the end of the week
  • Being randomly told by a customer at work that I was really pretty, and very nice (as I was being pelted with cheerios by her child)
  • Nursery ARMAGEDDON
  • My mission papers are at church HQ being processed!
  • ASU Rugby team and a kick-a waiter at Olive Garden with Shiloh
  • Double Features & other adventures with Kelsey Johansen
  • Packing and realizing that I didn't have as much crap as I thought I did
  • Skype with my family
  • Fish fingers and custard!
  • Today is sunny and warm. It's a Christmas miracle ;)