Saturday, March 6, 2010


Music. I love it. I've been listening to a lot of it lately. So, I just thought I would take a moment to post some videos of some of my new favorite artists/songs. It's almost like a little window into my soul. After all, it is what occupies my mind during my 20 minute walk to campus (16 if I want to brave the Helaman hill) Oh, you may want to hit pause on my embedded playlist right there on the right if you haven't already. Clashing music is no bueno.

1. Lizstomania, Phoenix Mr. Carl Culley introduced me to the lovely French band, Phoenix, over this last Christmas break. Their 2nd single, 1901, is what's currently popular and you've probably heard it in a car commercial recently. Anyway, this album was nominated for a grammy and I've been listening to it quite often. Enjoy :)

It won't let me embed this one :( so you'll just have to click here...

2. Je m'en vais, Cali I can thank Mr. Cameron Asay for this lovely gem. His name is Cali, he's French, and I just can't stop listening to him! Uh! So good! It's just, well, hard to describe. Take a listen and watch this video. This lovely person even subtitled the French for you, and while that's of no use to you English-only speakers, fellow French speakers will appreciate it :)

3. Come Back Home, Suburban Legends So, Kelsey introduced me to Suburban Legends about a year ago, but I've been listening to them quite a bit lately. They're kinda ska, and there's lot of trumpets and things. It's fun stuff. Here's the video. Not my most favorite song of theirs, but yeah. It's good.

4. Body Language, Jesse McCartney ft. T-Pain Guilty pleasure. No matter what, I will always shout and jump for joy when I hear this song. I just thought you'd like know.

5. My Girls, Animal Collective Beware, this one's long. But I love it.

6. Volcano, Damien Rice I've known about this song for a long time now, but I just recently acquired a lot more of Damien's music. And it's all brilliant and eerie and beautiful. Enjoy volcano ;0) there's a slammin' cello part, btw.

7. Just Wait, Reign of Kindo New Jazz? I think YES.

8. Quit Playing Games (With My Heart), Backstreet Boys So, my roommate Kelsey has been writing a persuasive paper about how much better N*SYNC was then the Backstreet Boys. And while I do love me some N*SYNC, I will forever be a Backstreet girl, hence why I've been listening to them lately. You know you haven't heard this song in years, and you'll laugh your head off once you see them for ever thinking they had fashion sense <3 and that's why we love the 90's. Ladies and gentlemen, Quit Playing Games with My Heart.

Sadly, this one won't embed either. Cliquez-ici.

9. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow, Rooney I am in love with this cover of the Ramone's Here Today, Gone Tomorrow. It's really quite different from the original, and while I love me some Ramone's - this is amazing. The only 'video' I could find is this song behind clips from the movie "Say Anything" can just press play and then - surf the web or something while you're musically amazed. haha

10. Womanizer, The All-American Rejects So, I've been really into covers lately. And I know, you're thinking "The All-American Rejects covering Britney Spears? What the..." but seriously. If nothing else, it will make you laugh. It makes me laugh, a lot. :) Congrats Tyson Ritter.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this musical trip into my brain. Comment please! I'd love to hear your thoughts! And to get your recommendations - I always love getting new musics :D

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So, Brooke sent me a text message today that contained the following:

True Friendship.

1. When you are sad, I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew.
2. When you are blue, I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile, I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4. When you're scared, we will high tail it out of there.
5. When you're worried, I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining.
6. When you're confused, I will use little words.
7. When you're sick, stay away from me.
8. When you fall, I'll pick you up and dust you off - after I laugh my head off!
9. This is my oath. I pledge it to the end. "Why?" You may ask; because you're my friend.

And normally, I really don't like spammy stuff like this, but for some reason this one totally brightened my day.
