Saturday, July 18, 2009


So, i'm sitting her ein an internet cafe in Cardiff. Whic h you would think I would be excited about. However i just happened to be at a crappy computer with a c rappy keyboard at whic h i can't upload picture sor anything. AND i get to pay for this whole lovely experience. I know, wonderful, isn't it!?

But, on the brighter side I"m pretty muc h having the time of my life. I'm constant blown away and amazed at the beauty of nature and the neauty of the past. Every c astle i see has it's own unique story and beauty I just love it.

oh, and contraty to popular belief, Ancient Roman sites are really boring. Dissappointing, I know.

I went to see Harry Potter this week and it was AMAZING! Plus, movie theaters here are way cooler than they are in the states! And tickets are cheaper! But, it was weird because half of the previews that ran in front of HP were for movies that I had already seen/were already realeased in the US. So that was sort of surreal. I don't want to bore you with my opin ion of the film, but I'll just letyou know that it was phenomenal. Sad, hilarious, light, dark and ajust really good. Oh, and Cormac McLaggen - BEAUTIFUL. That was a nice little bonus. In fact, it was so good that I may be going to see itagain this Thursday with some guys from YSA.

SPeaking of YSA here, it's awesome! It's small but everyone is really nice and super excited to have us here, so it's a blast. Once again, just another reinforcement that the church is true no matter where you go in the world, and I really love that. Speaking of YSA, I went to a dance in Reading, England last night. It was an interesting experience but I did end up having a good time, which is more than i can say for every other dance i've ever been to in my life. They only played like, tec hno remixes of R &B songs, nothing slow and no variety of musice whatsoever. it was like one, giant 4 hour long song. But, I saw Mr. Gary there and got to talk to him for a while which was unexpected and cool and I got to know Ben a little better (one of the YSA guys from here in Cardiff). HOnestly though, the 2 hour car ride there was much more fun than the dance :) I sincerely love it when that happens.

Well, I really can't stand to pay for this internet any longer and Marianne is waiting for me outside of the cafe since she finished like, 10 minutes ago. So, until then you can always check the schedule i posted here to see what i'm up to and anxiously await my next post :D lol

loves from the UK!

oh, and BTDUBS Big Macs taste just as good in this country :) thank goodness.

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