Thursday, July 23, 2009


So, yesterday was out second day in London and I'm just going to report on one wuick things before I head out

Avenue. Q.

I think it was just about the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. And I'm pretty sure that one of the more entertaining parts was hearing them trying to do American accents! One charater, Brian, had like a "brooklyn accent" which was pretty good and everyone else did really well. The only one they would slip every now and then was Princeton aka the main character. LOL It was pretty entertaining to hear him started certains phrases every now and again like a british man and then end them american-ly. Priceless.

And you know what else was priceless? Our £10 tickets. Which were in the middle of the 2nd row...of the 3rd tier. Which, while it was high up was still amazing b/c the theater was pretty small. And classically goregous. Really I was just beaming to be there.

And it took all of my power to not sing along. But I was successful! However I did mouth along at some points but since that's silent I'm going to say that that is acceptable.

ALSO this performance of Avenue Q has given me a new career path in life. Forget being an actress/teacher/makeup artist. I'm going to be....drumroll...


That's right folks - for a limited time only I'm going to go around to the people I know and give them BAD ideas. Like - eating the ENTIRE chocolate bar in stead of just one piece "You're going to eat it all anyway, why not get a jumpstart?!" and watching a movie instead of going to bed "You can sleep in the van in the morning, so why sleep now?!"

All in all a very lucrative choice, I say.

Well...maybe not lucrative, exactly, but a heck of a lot of fun! And that's what counts in the long-run right?! WHO NEEDS MONEY!?!?!!

see - I'm good at it already :)

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