Tuesday, June 23, 2009


One again, purely for reader enjoyment :) You're all welcome

So, I'm kind of starting to stress about how close me leaving for Wales is. Like, I'm not ready. Originally I had planned to do all this history reading and preparation for when I leap across the pond, but of course I haven't done any of that. PLUS I still don't have the pants that I want and I have no idea when I'm going to go and get them. I work a ton this week (like I've already told everyone). Also, I'm trying to squeeze in all the friend time I can get, but also spend time with my family. Man, I always stress myself out like this, it isn't good.

I also have some relationship queries/situations that I don't know how to handle. *sigh* why can't things ever just go the way that i want them to. It would be nice, for once. Like, if I had an idea and maybe some wishes for the future and such the could actually come to pass. I'm getting rather tired of having to hope/faith in these situations, and myself.

I need to make a list. A long list of things I need to do, buy and pack up before wednesday of next week. OH and I need to buy my coach ticket! Otherwise, I'll never actually make it Wales. Which would be sad.

But maybe I could convince a certain friend of mine to drive me there...which wouldn't be so bad ;)

Haha nope. I should buy the ticket.

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