Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So, I've officially re-structured and re-titled my blog. It's title now matches the URL and it's going to be pretty cool. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to upload videos and such on here as well so that while I'm overseas I'll be able to give y'all little glimpses into what I'm doing and the things that I'm seeing.  I looked at the calendar the other day and realized just how close this trip to Wales is. Like, I'm just about jumping out of my skin in anticipation! It's sneaking up on me, and I'm not nearly as prepared as I thought I was going to be. But, I still have some time to read up on my history and get my things gathered together. I often forget that there is a school aspect to what I'm going to be doing there across the pond. 
Other then that I've been working two jobs to try and have some money to spend while I'm over there. It's really hard, especially since I've never had a job before these two, but I guess you have to grow up sometime. Plus, my money isn't going to go nearly as far over there so that's kind of depressing, especially since I still have to buy my coach ticket so that I can actually make it to Wales...and come to think of it, I'm going to have to buy one for the way home as well. Especially if I plan on making it to the airport. Shucks.
So, even though I've been awake for a few hours I've pretty much done nothing today. So, maybe I'll go lay out in the pool and read before I come in and clean my room because, seriously. I need to. It's driving me insane. Then after that, I'll cook some dinner for the frère and myself, put some laundry to wash, kick back in my nice and organized room and watch the season premier of True Blood. Mmmm, vamps

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