Friday, February 18, 2011

"Work is much more fun than fun" Noel Coward

2.13.11 - 2.19.11

I love that quote because it's exactly how I feel about makeup! I seem to be down in the basement all the time - working on shows, personal projects, or stuff for class. And, as much as I may complain about not having enough sleep or time to do my homework, I love it. Makeup is fun! Loads and Loads! I mean, look at 1980's me. How is that not fun?


Debra Hensley said...

ahh memories! You look maaaahvelous darling!

Leigh This Way said...

I saw the pic on my dashboard and I was like, wow, what did she do?! Then I realized you were recreating the 80's and I breathed a sigh of relief ;)