Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us." Oscar Wilde

So, I was thinking about my Valentines challenge and realized that I really had quite a bit of fun doing it. But then, a sense of immense sadness fell over me as I realized that I didn't have any real reason to post anymore. I mean, sure, things happen in my life that I could talk about but I don't really think they're blog-worthy. There's a certain stigma that comes with blogging that you entries need to be interesting/clever/witty enough for other people to want to keep coming back and reading it. It's a publicity thing. Also, I figured with my track record for doing things on time/keeping up with assignments I'd never actually post again if I didn't have a purpose. SO I've made a new challenge for myself - and it involves photographs!

I love taking pictures, but I realize that I don't do it as much as I really want to. That probably stems from this underlying fear I have of being "that person" who takes pictures at everything and is super obnoxious. Even though that person doesn't really exist. So I was thinking about what I could do on my blog that involved pictures that wouldn't be too much pressure on me. Sure there's the 365 picture for every day challenge, but I'm already behind on that. I then thought that maybe I could just do a picture a day for a month. But even then, I figured I'd have to wait until the start of next month and I was antsy to start posting again! SO to ease the pressure on myself and to get started again I decided to do a picture a week challenge. I'm going to try to post one picture post/story every week until the end of the semester.


I've got school work to do now :)

But in the meantime, do enjoy this brilliantly amazingly wonderful song. It's from Brandon Boyd's solo album The Wild Trapeze and it's gorgeous. Hope you like it!

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1 comment:

Debra Hensley said...

You knew I would LOVE this idea!!! YEAH!! I can't wait for you!