Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich." Jane [27 Dresses]

Day 02 - Your Least Favorite Song

So, I love Fleetwood Mac. Really, I do. I mean, the "Rumors" episode of Glee was fantastic and I do love to rock out to "Tusk" when I need to be pumped up. HOWEVER there is one Fleetwood Mac song that I hate. It's "Landslide". Now, I'm probably going to be hated for saying that since I know many, many people love it - but it just drives me crazy! Maybe it's because the first time I heard it, the Dixie Chicks were singing it, I don't know. But every time I hear those first opening notes, something within me cringes. SO here you go. One of my least favorites songs ever. And it's the Dixie Chicks version ;0)

1 comment:

Leigh This Way said...

I've only ever heard the DC version (granted after the whole bush thing I wasn't a big fan of them) but there are still a few songs of theirs that I just LOVE!