Saturday, September 5, 2009


SO BYU beat OU tonight. It's like, the biggest upset of the season/the first game of the season and everyone is CRAZY around here! Granted, this probably doesn't seem like a big deal to anyone who goes to any normal college across the country, but holy crap. People are honking and screaming and (for example this picture) having mass gatherings at the stadium! It's strange! AND it's been like 45 minutes since the game ended and it's just getting LOUDER! MAN it's crazy! I tried to capture some of the madness on video, but I'm not sure if it will do this whole insane experience justice.

I didn't watch the WHOLE game but I did watch part of the middle and like, the last 15 minutes or so whenever it got really intense. It was a great game! Very exciting and close. Joey told me that it's such a big deal because 1) OU is like, the number 3 ranked team in the country and 2) The last time we played them was like 14 years ago and apparently we beat them then too.

So all in all, lots of school pride going on right now. If you were to look at my facebook feed right now practically every status has to do with the face that BYU dominated tonight. Yup.


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