Monday, September 7, 2009


OK - So I LOVE the show True Blood. It's a guilty pleasure of mine, what can I say. But one of the things I really love love love about this show is their marketing/ad campaign! The whole concept of the show is based upon the fact that the Japanese have developed a synthetic blood drink called "Tru Blood" which makes is possible for vampires to survive without killing people. In this show, the vampires have then 'come out' so to say and are an 'accepted' part of society, fighting for their rights, etc.

Now, HBO has turned into a marketing GENIUS and has based their ads on the fact that that has actually happened in the world. Here - take a look (this first one I took myself in the London subway):

and, my personal favorite:

and apparently you can really break those off. The ad is made out of plywood. Genius.

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