Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Home is where the heart is, so your real home's in your chest" - Captain Hammer [Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog]

So, yet another day in Burley and I'm spending my time udating my blog. That sounded really negative. It wasn't meant to. Man, I really need to work on my tone ha

I'm watching the edited copy of 17 Again that Brooke's family has. I find it funny that they have an edited copy of this movie. Terminator Salvation, I understand. 17 Again? Not so much....I'm interested to see if I miss anything in this version. Matthew Perry is about to drive off the bridge and turn into Zac Efron....yes! There's nothing I love more than Zac at his comedic-ness. BoyI sure hope that I'm lucky enough to marry a man that I'm as attracted to as Zac.

Once again, sometimes I should just self-edit before I type. Yes, I know there's a delete key but do I want to delete an entire paragaph? No, because then I just feel like I'm erasing all of my hard work (just a little tidbit inside my brain...)

So, we didn't end up going to institute last night, we went into Twin Falls with Brooke's family and went shopping at CostCo and then had dinner at Cafe Rio and then came home, chatted, and watched two episodes of "The Vampire Diaries". Yup - I've introduced Brooke to yet another item of pop culture that really has no real value. At all.

Oh! A difference! This kid just said "toolbag" instead of "douchebag". Hmm.

Well, tonight Brooke, Cara and I are going to make/decorate cakes tonight. I'm pretty excited. It should be a good time. Plus, I think that we're going to be taking them to people they know, so maybe I'll get out and meet some people or something. That could be fun. Maybe.

Well, I'm slowly running out of things to really say, and I'm sure that nobody is actually interested in this part of my life. ha. oh well.

and yet here I am - still typing. Oh well.

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