Monday, April 19, 2010

4.19.10 is a bittersweet one in my book for sure. I've officially packed up all of my things (well...everything that I'm going to be storing over the summer anyway) and this is my last night in my apartment with my beautiful roommates.

WARNING - This post is about to get pretty sappy and sentimental out. If you don't want to deal with that then I'd stop reading now lol

I can't believe that I'm not going to be living with these people next year. We're like this perfect melding of personalities and part of me feels like I still haven't gotten as close to certain people in my apartment as I would like. I was a little bit of a recluse during the fall and tended to stick by Kels so I didn't branch out to Ari and Riley and Julie as much as I wish I had - and I've only had this semester with my precious Gera. And now, next year, I'm going to be living so far away from them and I'm scared out of my mind that we're going to drift (anyone who knows me knows I have this inordinate fear of being forgotten and...well...this is not the ideal situation to deal with that fear in). Especially Kels. I've lived with her my entire college experience, and I don't know what I'm going to do without her right next door to me to answer all my questions, scream with, and just be my goofy self with. It makes me really, REALLY sad. Like, I just don't even know what to do with myself.

Each one of the girls in my apartment has touched my life in a way that I never could have imagined, and I've seen them grow and learn as well throughout the year. They're such an integrated part of my life at the moment and moving on from that security blanket it tough for me. But, I want them to know that I love them more than words could ever express and I hope upon hope that don't forget me when I'm gone ;)

Geez, I make it sound like I'm dying or something. No wonder I live my life in the theater department.

My apartment, however, is not the only family that I'm leaving at the moment. And yes, I'm talking about the wonderful, beautiful, talented members of the cast of A Thousand Cranes. What an experience. I've recently been reflecting on it for my final paper for the tour and it's just bringing back a flood of old memories that I had forgotten about. Which is ironic because they aren't even that old. We had a cast party a week ago tomorrow and Richie made this dvd/movie of pictures and video from the entire experience - January-NOW. And I was just reminded of how much I LOVE these people. They may not realize it, but a huge part of my heart was opened and given to them. Like, sometimes I feel silly as to just how much I feel attached to these people. Richie, Cameron, Caitlin, Darla, Anna, Jes and Jon - you have found a special place in my heart and no matter what other shows I do, other people I meet, or casts I'm involved with - noone will ever take your place. You truly have helped this semester become, for me at least, a reign of love <3

Well, this isn't nearly as sappy as I was anticipating, which is good.

ANYWAY I'm way excited for this summer to start. I have so much ahead of me that I can barely contain myself. I was looking back at myself this time last year and I was only 2 months away from GOING TO WALES! And now I've gone and came back and I can't even believe it. And I can't believe that I'm not going back. Sad Day. However, in comparison I'm just as excited now as I was then - which just goes to show that going to Europe can be just as exciting as going home <3

Here's what on my plate for the next couple of months (in no particular order, of course):

EFY Counselor in San Antonio!
Bath & Body Works
Cameron's visiting from England :)
Drive in movies
My high school compadres
Warm weather
Clear blue skies
Reading in the pool
A week in Idaho with Brooke!
A week...somewhere else....with Maddy!
The beach
Singles ward (I'm not sure how I feel about this one, but it's cool)
My brother
My mother
My father
My grandparents
My home <3

Well...I'm off to clean the fridge now. Ohh buddy I've been waiting all day in anticipation to do this. SO EXCITED.


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