Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Oh yes dear. Everything's nice and paranormal here" Dotty [Noises Off!]

So, I know I've already posted but I'm feeling very self-indulgent and declamatory today. That, and everytime I read JLow's blog I feel like I really should do this more, and be better at it.

First off, question: does anyone actually read this? I never get comments so I'm not entirely sure. Do I mind? Not horribly, but it would be nice to know that this public blog is actually being noticed by the public. Make sense?

Secondly, I've had a lot of people ask me about my EFY experience.'s my thoughts :)

Alright. Anyone who is LDS and is between the ages of 20 and 30 (or whatever the age group is, I'm not actually sure) needs to do this. It is an AMAZING experience. Like, I could write forever about it. In fact, I did. In my journal. But really, I never thought that I would learn so much from a group of 14 & 15 year old girls. Despite their giggly and energetic exteriors, they're actually quite insightful. And REALLY talented! I was blessed to be placed in charge of a group of girls who a) liked me b) were understanding and c) worked with me and really tried hard to participate. Those may sound like trivial things but trust me. They aren't. My kids were such a blessing to me in ways that I can't even comprehend. All in all, the week was just an affirmation of my true identity as a Daughter of God, and that I truly am of infinite worth. My Heavenly Father loves me and is not only aware of my existance, but and active particpant in my life <3 Amazing.

Are you ready for an inspiring story? Well, you're getting one. At the dance on Tuesday night I was roving around watching the kids dance and making sure everything was 'appropriate' and I saw a bunch of my girls dancing together. I thought I'd 'observe them in their natural habitat' and see what happened. Now just to set up the scene, these girls are GORGEOUS. And I'm not just saying that because they're beautiful daughter of God and I love them. Like, they could have passed for 17-18 and I was even intimidated by them. Like I said, they were standing around and there was this boy standing about 8 feet away from them, bright red hair, really awkward and a little physically disfigured. He was dancing all by himself in his own little world, just having a good old time but not really talking with anyone. Then, one of my girls, Kenna, turned to another one of my girls, Mackenzie, and said "hey, we should ask him to come dance with us" and IMMEDIATELY all 5 of them opened up their dance circled and asked him if he'd like to come join them. He nodded and came over and they all danced together! I'm not going to lie, I got a little misty eyed. It was really touching and such a testiment to the high quality kids that I got to work with all week. It gave me a little glimmer of hope, ya know? So to all you cynics out there I'm here to tell you that YES, there are good teenagers in the world. They're just in Texas :) haha

Oh, and as a side note, I later found out that the red-haired boy's name was Montana. And he's autistic.

In short, EFY was amazing. And you should do it. If you can :)

Me and my co-counselor Weston :)

Me and my girls <3


Debra Hensley said...

Ha! Now that was a great post and a great story- you didn't tell us that one. I'm so glad you got this experience. Remember the good feelings and the promptings and insights you received. They will carry you through the rought spots of life.... much love Mom

Totohiro said...

Ok. Somehow your blog dropped out of my feed! I had to unfollow it and re-follow it but now we're set. Yes, I'm reading each and every time you post. And I love this story.