Sunday, February 28, 2010


I can't believe that February is almost over. I mean, it's almost March. Where did this month go?! I don't even understand....oh brother.

Speaking of brothers, my one and only is wicked sick. So, if you have a moment, include him in your prayers. He's spatting with a nasty case of mono so all help is much appreciated :)

So, lately I've been pretty stressed about where to live next year (as in fall/winter). I haven't really thought about it lately, and I was talking to Kelsey the other day about what she was thinking about and she said that her and Riley and Ari had already been looking at places together. Which means that they were looking without me. So, I don't know whether to ask if I can look with them or not, because they already haven't consulted me. Also, the places she told me she was looking at are even further away from campus then Glenwood. Which is fine for all of them because they have cars - not that they drive to campus, but still. So I don't know what to do! I was thinking about looking at places that are close to the HFAC so that I don't have to walk as far (which I don't mind in the summer/spring/most of the fall but is absolute torture in the winter) but I don't have anyone to live with over there. The one person I was thinking about asking was Kendal, but she's going to be doing a field study in Ghana in the fall so she won't be here. She'll be in Ghana. So I don't know what to do! And since I need to sign a contract sometime between now and the end of April.....ew. I guess technically I could wait until the end of spring term (the middle of June) but yeah. I don't know.

Speaking of things I need to do/am stressing about, I have to call good ol' B&BW and see if they will re-hire me and transfer me to the store at the University Mall so that I can work during the spring. Also, I would have to get a bus pass so that I can get to work whenever they schedule me, since I don't have a car and can't always rely on roommates to take me to work. How rude. Also, I want to save up to get a car over the summer, but since I didn't apply for scholarships for next year (CAUSE I'M DUMB) I might just have to save so that I can afford to come back to school in the fall. Oy vay. Now I'm just spiraling into stress. Brilliant.

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