Sunday, January 31, 2010

1.31.10 A

Julien: Tu sais qu'il y avait quelques trucs que tu m'as jamais demandé?
Sophie: Comme?
Julien: Manger des fourmis, insulter des chômeurs...t'aimer comme un fou. 

So, I just finished watching a French film entitled, "Jeu D'enfants" or "Love Me if You Dare" and have mixed emotions on it. However, the more I think about it, the more I'm coming believe that I really liked it. The cinematography is beautiful - the colors were something that I felt really made the film. During their childhood, the colors are bright and the frames are a little fuzzy and 'disillusioned', and as they grow older and older the colors fade and the focus becomes sharper. Yann Samuell (the director) chose to break the film into four segments: "Game," "Set," "Match," and "Dare of Dares," which I loved. I felt like each segment grew progressively darker and, since the viewer is frequently aligned with the 'victim' Sohpie/Julien's surprise becomes your surpriseAlso, the story is different and clever and something that I don't think would have done well in America. From the time they're kids, Julien and Sophie engaged in a  battle of one-upmanship: if one of them hands a brightly colored candy tin to the other and makes a dare, the recipient is bound to honor it, not matter what the cost. Ultimately the childhood game becomes a mutual infatuation that binds them for life, and they have to choose between playing the game, or following their hearts. However, I will warn that it's not a happy-go-lucky romantic comedy. It left me surprised, excited, scared, and haunter. Brilliant. 

I guess I don't have mixed feelings. haha.

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