Friday, March 25, 2011

"She called out a warning; Don't ever let life pass you by" Brandon Boyd [Incubus]

Ok - so I'm a total slack and am behind and am totally backtracking for you. Be grateful.

Day 13
A picture of your favorite band or artist

If you read my blog, you should know by now that I love the band Incubus. I've talked about my love for them in numerous posts :) There's just something about Brandon Boyd's lyrics and voice that speak to my soul on so many levels. In fact, during my 14 days of February love song challenge, I really wished that I could put a song from Incubus up all the time. I can attribute a lot of my love for them to my best friend Brooke Mallory. I remember late night sleepovers where we would just put in their cd Morning View and just listen to it on loop for hours while we ate junk food and talked. It's the one cd I uploaded to my puny mp3 player that I snuck into YW camp as a Mia Maid and listened to which helped me not get freaked out by the rustling noises outside my cabin. We've been through a lot, Incubus and I. In fact, I just wrote a paper on one of their songs for my english class not to long ago. Fun :) And I just bought his solo album The Wild Trapeze and it's just beautiful. I read in an interview with him that he wanted to know what he would sound like if left to his own device - essentially find his own sound. There's not a whole lot of percussion on the album because he's "trash at the drums" and that there is no electric guitar; only an acoustic guitar hooked up to a base amp. Cool, right?

I think it is only fitting that there be audio/visual accompaniment to this post here's the video to the first Incubus song I ever heard (in fact, I heard it while watch VH1's video countdown one morning in middle school - so this is exactly how I experienced it)

Enjoy, folks. 

1 comment:

Hoity-Toity said...