Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Oh, look at you lot. You're all so vacant. Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing." Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock]

Day 11
A picture of something you hate

Hate is a strong word. However, it's a pretty accurate description of my feelings about turkey. Call me strange, call me crazy, call me un-American - I can't help it. Every year at Thanksgiving (and my mother can attest to this statement's truth) I try a piece of turkey in an desperate attempt to like it. But alas, I never do. It's a little disappointing because there are so many delicious menu items that feature turkey at the various restaurants I like to eat at and I never can eat them. But sadly, there is nothing appealing about turkey to me at all. I mean, they're even ugly as birds.

 Am I right?

1 comment:

Curtis said...

Yup They are not good looking animals, unless you are a turkey.