Monday, September 7, 2009


OK - So I LOVE the show True Blood. It's a guilty pleasure of mine, what can I say. But one of the things I really love love love about this show is their marketing/ad campaign! The whole concept of the show is based upon the fact that the Japanese have developed a synthetic blood drink called "Tru Blood" which makes is possible for vampires to survive without killing people. In this show, the vampires have then 'come out' so to say and are an 'accepted' part of society, fighting for their rights, etc.

Now, HBO has turned into a marketing GENIUS and has based their ads on the fact that that has actually happened in the world. Here - take a look (this first one I took myself in the London subway):

and, my personal favorite:

and apparently you can really break those off. The ad is made out of plywood. Genius.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


SO BYU beat OU tonight. It's like, the biggest upset of the season/the first game of the season and everyone is CRAZY around here! Granted, this probably doesn't seem like a big deal to anyone who goes to any normal college across the country, but holy crap. People are honking and screaming and (for example this picture) having mass gatherings at the stadium! It's strange! AND it's been like 45 minutes since the game ended and it's just getting LOUDER! MAN it's crazy! I tried to capture some of the madness on video, but I'm not sure if it will do this whole insane experience justice.

I didn't watch the WHOLE game but I did watch part of the middle and like, the last 15 minutes or so whenever it got really intense. It was a great game! Very exciting and close. Joey told me that it's such a big deal because 1) OU is like, the number 3 ranked team in the country and 2) The last time we played them was like 14 years ago and apparently we beat them then too.

So all in all, lots of school pride going on right now. If you were to look at my facebook feed right now practically every status has to do with the face that BYU dominated tonight. Yup.



SO, I'll probably be updating more than once today because whenever I finally get around to cleaning up my room I want to take some pictures and post them on here - probably of my whole apartment for your viewing enjoyment.

Having an engaged roommate's an interesting phenomenon. Don't get me wrong, I love Adam and Jess both and they're wonderful people and really respectful of the whole apartment as far as PDA and things are concerned. But sometimes I feel like the the front room of our apartment (the kitchen and living room) are like, their house. They're either working out together in our living room or cooking meals together in our kitchen or whatever. Which is fine, but sometimes I feel like maybe they could split their time a little more evenly between his apartment and ours...but really it could be much worse. At least they're nice and respectful, like I said. It's just moments like this when I feel confined to my room (they're watching a movie in our living room) and they always invite anyone from the apartment to watch the movies with them, but we (or at least I) feel like I'm intruding.

ANYWAY enough on that subject. I used a waving iron on my hair today and it's now HUGE! Hah - why did I wave it? Well because I had time to. ha that's one reason why I love Saturdays. And Kelsey and I are going grocery shopping today after she gets off of work (so at like 4) and so that'll be fun. If you can constitute grocery shopping as fun. ANYWAY.

I'm going to clean and get dressed now. :D woohoo!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I love being back in school.

No really - I do. It's exciting because it gives you purpose and something to do with your life. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the occasional "I not going to do ANYTHING productive" days, but for the most part if I don't have anything to do I feel like a giant waste of space.

And nobody likes that.

I also love new school years because you get to reunite with old buddies! I've seen so many of my old friends up on campus that it just makes me extremely happy. It reinforces that fact that my greatest fear (being forgotten by the people I like/admire) isn't really an issue. Just the same it scares me to death thinking that when I go away for the summer people forget that I ever existed.

I ALSO also love that I only have one clas on Tuesdays and Thursdays...and it's Book of Mormon. So really it's a very low pressure day for me today. I've already finished my reading for one of my classes tomorrow and am basically kicking the trash out of my to do list.

Now, if only that were a "honey do" list....

moving on.

I have a good feeling about his year! I really can't wait for all of the new and exciting people I'm going to meet and the wonderful opportunities that await me, both in the theater and outside.

as Princeton says in Avenue Q - "I don't know how I know, I don't know where I'll look, but I'm gonna find my purpose"